Musing on Darkness that is Beautiful
Clear vision: adjusting your inner eye
The Known Unknown
The Calm Beauty of Darkness
Fair Judgement
Mon identité blessée
Ne peux pas s’endormir
Ca tempête d’automne m’embarrassé
La nature vivant me pousse a fléchir
Sur tout que n’est pas vrai
L’enfant chercherait de l’amour caché
Devant ou derrière des mes rêves?
The present is the inner storm only, the dreams are of the past or future, not now.
Here we are in winter 2023, the winter solstice just marked the shortest days in our annual calendar. We might well be at our gloomiest, most nostalgic state of being. The options are to either invite the dark in or to resist its natural pull to cave in to our deep selves. That conflict and indecisiveness causes trouble. Should we not face ourselves during the darker months of winter? Far less distractions outdoors lure us into contemplation, self-discovery. An adventure through fears we must meet, greet and defy.
“The cure for the pain is in the pain.” Rumi